which will be the first company to issue the first statement saying that they have the first Malta Email List antenna turned on? It will be a race in which, the first to do so, will gain impact and market visibility. The moment of truth will come later. In the meantime, there will be announcements that this or that operator turned on a new antenna or several in this or that place, and that it will serve to solve this or that need. A classic that has already been seen with previous Malta Email List mobile generations, from 2G . The truth is that, beyond this competition in which companies will also enter, in Chile an articulated ecosystem is being developed between the public, private and academic sectors so that the advantages of 5G are palpable as soon as possible . And this is an Malta Email List advantage for the industry as a whole. Speaking to La Tercera, the Undersecretary of Telecommunications,
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Francisco Moreno, assured that, according to an Malta Email List study, the fifth mobile generation will generate an economic impact estimated at 207,000 million dollars in Chile by 2035. ICTs will move 41,000 million of dollars, followed by services, with $ 39 billion, manufacturing, with $ 29 billion, and mining, with $ 23 billion. Construction will also make its contribution, around 15,000 million dollars, while trade will move around 10,000 million dollars. In other words, both the production and service Malta Email List sectors will benefit. Chilean universities will also be the protagonists of this mobile evolution. The campuses installed in conjunction with the Malta Email List companies allowed the installation of test laboratories that, in addition to promoting innovation,
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will allow testing over and over again the best solutions to Malta Email List implement at an industrial and service level. The University of Chile, the Pontifical Catholic University of Santiago and also that of Valparaíso, the Andrés Bello University, that of Concepción, all have been articulated together with mobile operators to create collaborative research instances. At this point in the evolution of telecommunications and digital transformation, it does not seem that there is another way to evolve towards the Malta Email List new generations. Research, development and deployment costs are increasingly high, and collaboration is imposed as the concept so that not only costs and knowledge are shared but also so that the spill-over effect is broader on the societies in which Malta Email List they are pose these transformations. And that,