Wom Chile By Andrea Catalano Andrea Catalano is the Editor-in-Chief of Laos Email List Andrea is a journalist and has a degree in Social Communication from the National University of Cuyo. For more than 20 years, he has followed the information and communication technology sector and its impact on the economy and society. Throughout his career he has worked in the written press, online, radio and television. LEAVE YOUR Laos Email List COMMENT You must be logged in to comment. Telefónica automates processes with Wipro to move towards telco cloud Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new Laos Email List )Click to share on.
List Building Rewards and Tribulations
(Opens in a new window) Telefónica continues to advance with its digital Laos Email List transformation in its four key markets. But this time a new stage will begin in two of them, Germany and Brazil, in which it will implement a process of transformation of continuous network operations, from A to Z, although in reality it is known by a succession of acronyms, such as as it happens in this industry. The operator signed an agreement with the Indian cLaos Email List ompany Wipro Limited, with which it will introduce Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment and Continuous Testing, that is, CI / CD / CT, for its acronym in English, in the mentioned markets, although it could be extended to Spain and the United Kingdom. Why are you moving forward with this Laos Email List solution?
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Because with the deployments of 5G in its different modalities, providers have Laos Email List exponentially increased the number of product launches and, prior to that, the volume of tests. This is what is achieved with the CI / CD / CT approach, everything is automated in order to find agility and scalability when a new product or service is Laos Email List sold. And because, as the construction of fifth-generation networks accelerates, automation is imposed as the most efficient way, above what has been executed manually until now. This will be done by the hand of Wipro that will facilitate the collaboration of the company’s subsidiaries to share Laos Email List the design, the configuration, the test plans and the results.