“fundamental for the targeting of actions that allow development and innovation in this Japan Email List economic sector”, the Institute Federal of Telecommunications (IFT) of Mexico presented its second Report on Mobile Service Coverage in Agricultural Zones 2020. The published document – available here – implies a complete survey of the Mexican territory and in which it tracked the availability of 3G and 4G access technologies, used to provide Japan Email List voice, messaging (SMS) and data services to productive areas protected or temporary, that is, those that resort to controlled environments such as greenhouses and those that are exposed to the elements, respectively. Japan Email List In general terms,
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the approach showed that the main protected agricultural production units in that Japan Email List country and located in the states of Aguascalientes, Baja California Sur, Mexico City Nuevo León and have all service coverage. mobile on at least one technology; as well as the localities that make up Veracruz, recognized for having the largest area of land planted under these conditions. In other areas, links are beginning to thin out, as is the case in Chihuahua, Japan Email List where 97 percent of the 246 productive units have mobile connectivity, or Ozacaca, where the link reaches just over half (54 percent) of the 10,069 productive units. On the other hand, more than 90 percent of the outdoor production areas that are developed in 15 of the 32 Mexican states have mobile Japan Email List service coverage.
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in at least one technology. In Chiapas, where there is a mobile network in 63 percent of the Japan Email List production units, and even in that territory, the town with the most connectivity is Arriaga, with 93 percent of productions served by mobile networks and the one with the least Motozintla, with 12 percent of 3G coverage and nine percent with 4G technology.Japan Email List “The digital transformation in the agricultural areas of our country has to be gradual and planned, for which elements are required that show real data about connectivity in agricultural territory,” IFT recalls in its balance in which, in addition, they are rescued the guidelines established by the International Japan Email List Telecommunication Union (ITU).