In addition, it does not support 2G and 3G, the predominant network generation in many Georgia Email List developing countries, and yet Open RAN is reported to be a solution for developing countries, ”he says. Another aspect that the approach raises is that of the 182 commercial 5G networks that were launched worldwide, all are classic RAN installations Georgia Email List that support 2, 3, 4 and 5G in a base station and that there is only one commercial Open RAN installation: Rakuten, in Japan. Similarly, he points out that there are very few expectations about the estimate about the capillarity that the Open RAN installation base will reach by 2025 and 2030 compared to the entire market, and calculates it at one percent in 2025 and in less than three percent Georgia Email List by 2030.
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Even security is another aspect that has been evaluated and whose approach it states that Georgia Email List this technology will not increase it. Proponents of Open RAN suggest that Open RAN technology and the separation of 5G hardware and software is the means to reduce dependence on Huawei and therefore greater security. However, it is unclear how to swap a known and insecure Chinese vendor for 50 unknown Chinese vendors on the road to greater Georgia Email List security, “he says and further radicalizes the position:” The backdoor issue is ubiquitous in all given Chinese hardware. the disposition of the country and the associated intelligence and surveillance policies ”. “Looking at the Open RAN policy in the United States and Georgia Email List Europe,
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it is clear that it is driven by some American technology companies who want Georgia Email List government support to build and run their businesses,” he says and analyzes that “it is cheaper and more easier to get money from the government than from investors who ask too many critical questions and want a piece of the company. ” “Some European operators have taken Open RAN as a strategy to keep Huawei in their networks, knowing that Open RAN will be Georgia Email List an insignificant part of future networks and that it will not be ready for years,” he says, adding that “Strand Consult’s conclusion is simple; Open RAN does not live up to the promises made by its proponents. ” Open RAN By Noelia Tellez Tejada Noelia Tellez Tejada works as Georgia Email List Deputy Editor.