5G is emerging, increasingly, as a strategic asset in times when the Bermuda Email List economic recovery of the regions is pressing, but also when this impulse is required to be based on sustainability schemes. And this approach, precisely, was the one that transpired the day of the 5G & TD Latam Summit, organized by Telesemana.com. Bermuda Email List The event, which also analyzed the challenges posed by 5G in terms of infrastructures, such as the need to monetize and transport services , addressed this innovative technology and in the midst of regional deployment that is beginning to be seen in the hands of success stories : concrete implementations that facilitate its projection and the quantification of its impact. 5G technology is a Bermuda Email List key asset among the development.
Success stories on 5G as part of a comprehensive
perspectives of the region because its possibilities enhance industrial Bermuda Email List productivity and social inclusion, but also life in society, according to what Mauricio Agudelo himself, coordinator of the Digital Agenda, of the development bank of Latin America CAF. But the success stories were also presented by Carlos Sánchez, Qualcomm’s business development director, who reviewed the industrial applications that are emerging in the heat Bermuda Email List of a trend that enables a high volume of use of autonomous mobile robots (AMR, for its acronym in English), but also intelligent monitoring systems; and Tina Lu, main analyst at Counterpoint Research, who explained that the impact of 5G on business transformation reaches all levels of Bermuda Email List social life (personal, business and social) as well as industries across the board.
strategy that promotes regional development
It was the Qualcomm executive, for example, who described how industry 4.0 Bermuda Email List and robotics impact the momentum of this sector due to its virtues of being collaborative and of being able to perform tasks that humans do not have at their fingertips. Among them, he pointed out increased optical skills, visual processing, high load capacity Bermuda Email List and recommended them for mechanical tasks such as those related to quality controls or monitoring. For Sánchez, AMRs “are going to be essential in production because they are precise and flexible, because they can be used at any time, and they are collaborative with people, in addition to reducing personnel costs, being reliable and always being connected.” In line with his Bermuda Email List testimony,