so that this digital transformation reaches agricultural or Belgium Email List educational issues so that they have positive effects and concrete progress. It will not be the private sector that makes the investment to reduce the gap, “he admitted. Andrés León, from Claro, recalled that Colombia’s topography is challenging, which has led to the use of a mix of technologies, which is why he spoke in favor of finding “regulatory frameworks that promote Belgium Email List how to deploy these technologies. It is a joint effort that should be part of society, of the government to gradually deploy these networks ”. If we talk about digital transformation, it is obligatory to refer to algorithms, AI, and machine learning as the architects of the work of understanding clients. A movement that at the same time generates more and more rejection among Belgium Email List users.
And the challenges to overcome are
So, how do telecommunications operators play in this scenario Belgium Email List given that they have so much data? How do they gain the trust of users so that they think they are serving them and not directing where companies want them to go? “As a telco and having such a large universe, with 30 million mobile lines, this means that we have a lot Belgium Email List of information about Colombians. We have AI, machine learning , deep learning tools, to offer services. With the confinements, that had to be rearranged, and when we got out of that situation, too. The use of personal data is increasingly sensitive. Europe is the strongest in this regard, Belgium Email List also on an ethical level.
commodities or basic to access connectivity
Colombia is working on how this should be addressed. But the new Belgium Email List generations do not care so much about the issue of privacy. They want the services to be more and more tailored, and I think that we are going to share the data much more. It will be what will predominate forward. And that is the job of the telco, because we know people’s habits, where they move, and we can improve people’s lives, ”said León. He exemplified with Belgium Email List the impact of data on health in a pandemic, which was relevant, For the ETB executive, ethical regulation for companies to make appropriate use without violating privacy is very complex but it has to evolve to promote proper use of these tools “since machine learning and big data give possibilities. Having Belgium Email List information about users is essential for the operator.