After rumors that Verizon would back off on the acquisition of Yahoo due to the massive hacking of more than a Austria Mobile Number Database billion users and the subsequent announcement by the FBI that it has access to all the firm’s information, Verizon finally shuts up the rumors and confirms that it will buy. to Yahoo but for a lesser amount.
In new reports, Verizon says it is close to renegotiating its agreement to acquire Yahoo assets, but with the condition of paying 250 million dollars less than the original agreement, which was for 4.4 billion dollars. In July 2016, Verizon confirmed its intention to buy Yahoo for $ 4.83 billion to strengthen its online subsidiary, but after a rigorous review process, coupled with the Yahoo scandals, Verizon paused its acquisition process.
According to analysts, the scandals undermined Yahoo’s brand value, which had to admit that it knew about hacker attacks on its accounts for 3 years and did not say anything, neither to its users nor to Phone Number List Verizon in the process of buys. According to the Bloomberg agency, Yahoo’s data theft allowed criminals to search other sites for more sensitive personal information. The affected accounts were 500 million.