For some time now, it is common for us to stay Australian Email Lists halfway through reading an online news item with the same message appearing: “If you want to continue reading, go Premium.” This phenomenon is the Australian Email Lists consequence of a strategy adopted by the main Spanish general media (,, and to increase their financial solvency through a subscription model. The implementation Australian Email Lists of these ”
pay walls”, however, is taking its toll: Australian Email Lists fewer readers, more segregated and less time devoted to information. A report carried out by Rebold , a marketing and communication company specialized in data analysis, puts on the table the consequences that restricting access to news is Australian Email Lists having on the public through these economic barriers. The visible results are as follows Generalized drop in Australian Email Lists audiences
The subscription model adopted by the Australian Email Lists Spanish media is inspired by the successful case of “The New York Times”, which currently has 5 million premium users that have allowed it to pocket more than 150 million euros in the second sale leads quarter of 2020 alone At first Australian Email Lists glance, it is a very juicy plan; however, not everyone is willing to pay for information, which is considered a fundamental right by a Australian Email Lists vast majority. ElPaí has lost 8.5 million monthly users since March. His campaign to