Twitter is a microblogging platform that has taken the business world by storm, 140 characters per post. The purpose of Twitter is to post short updates (not to exceed Attorney Email Lists characters) about what you’re doing at the moment, read the updates of others whom you’re following , and comment and reply on what they’re doing.
All kinds of applications have been Attorney Email Lists developed for Twitter, and I’ve discovered that people either love to tweet (i.e. submit a Twitter post) or the whole concept drives them crazy. I admit that seeing all the tweets exchanged among those I follow can be overwhelming but I am having success in getting to know my fellow Twitter peeps and in getting the word out Attorney Email Lists about my business and in growing my list.
As I became accustomed to tweeting daily, I began to Attorney Email Lists wonder if I was missing a key business marketing strategy in the process, and then a colleague told me about her strategy of sending a direct message, or DM (this is a private message goes directly to your Twitter pal via email and can’t be seen by others) thanking them for following her, as well as a short introduction to Attorney Email Lists her business. I thought that was a wonderful