5 Proven Tips To Build An Email List That Gets Results!

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5 Proven Tips To Build An Email List That Gets Results!

In order to get the results you want from email advertising, you need to have a list of Russian Federation Email Lists people who have opted in to receive your promotions.

Here are five tips to quickly build a large email list, which will be the core of your email advertising efforts:

DO… Tap into your existing customer base. This is the most important group for you to include. They already know about your company, and are likely to come back again if you give them a good reason. They are also likely to easily to give their email addresses as a loyal customer.

You can build this email list by collecting email addresses from your customers when they come and purchase your product or service. If they need a little encouragement, try a monthly drawing for a free gift if they drop their name and email addresses in a drawing. Or, simply tell them about the exclusive benefits of being on the email list, such as the monthly specials.

DO… Use coupons and other irresistible offers on your website. When people arrive at your website, they shouldn’t want to leave without joining your email list. You can make this happen by offering coupons or other valuable incentive to people who visit your website. We can help build irresistible signup pages that will maximize the number of people who sign up for your email list.

DO… Buy a mailing list and send a traditional postcard. There are list brokers out there who sell lists of prospects for you to do mailings. You should never buy a list of email addresses, because that is spamming, even if the list broker tells you otherwise. However, you CAN buy a mailing list and send a postcard or letter inviting them to visit your website. Then, by offering an incentive, you can get more people to signup for your email list.

DO NOT… abuse your email list. The key to growing your list for email advertising is to keep your subscribers happy. Otherwise, you will lose subscribers as quickly as you gain them. You must clearly tell people what they’ll get with their subscription, and then keep your word. If you tell them you’ll send a weekly update with coupons, be sure you don’t send updates daily. The best bet is to write a privacy policy that tells your customer exactly how you will use and how you won’t use their information and email addresses, and then include that privacy policy wherever you invite people to sign up for your email list.

DO NOT… buy or sell email lists. If you’re looking for a quick way to lose your credibility, start sending unsolicited e-mail. Even if a list broker has email lists for sale (as some do) never buy or rent them. There’s nothing wrong with buying a mailing list for postal mail. However, if you send unsolicited e-mail you will quickly get the reputation as a spammer. Do not sell your email list to others either.

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