How big is this data


 Imagine that this was in the nineties so what are the conditions today  . I know you have this question on your mind and want to ask it but youre just afraid its a stupid question. Dont worry dear reader this question is not stupid at all.


 On the contrary it is a very intelligent

question but the answer will certainly surprise you because the nu Iran Mobile Number List mbers we are about to talk about exceed any human ability to imagine them or even deal with them. Imagine with me that in the year the data reached about zettabytes and if you do not imagine what a zettabyte is then each one of them equals exabytes.


 An exabyte itself is equal t


o petabytes and a petabyte I know you are tired but continue with me is e Japan B2C Phone List  ual to terabytes this is a ter m you know well and a terabyte as you know equals gigabytes. That is if you have a storage unit in your computer amounting to terabyte the amount of data in the entire world in the year is about billion storage units that you own.



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